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We are now offering the following convenient ways to give donations to St. Andrew. All charitable donations to the church are tax deductible. All gifts are greatly appreciated.


DONATE ONLINE VIA TITHE.LY (or download the app for iOS or Android)

One time or recurring payments may be set up for your convenience. For each transaction, there is a fee that will be charged to the church. If you so choose, you will have the option to help the church and elect to cover the fees yourself. Options available for online giving:


Credit Card
Fees: 2.9% + 0.30 per transaction

Fees: 1% + .30


If you choose to donate online, the following is a list of options where you can designate your gift:

  • Tithe

  • Offering

  • Candles

  • Church School

  • Building Fund – (renovations for our future sanctuary)

  • Memorials


Donation trays are available for in person giving or may be mailed to the following address:
St. Andrew Orthodox Church
P. O. Box 23467
Waco, TX 76702-3467


Donation trays are available for in person giving.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”

Matthew 6:21

Giving to our Parish

St. Andrew Orthodox Church


401 Estates Drive 

Woodway, TX 76712

©2023 by Saint Andrew Orthodox Church - Woodway, TX. All rights reserved.

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